Varoufakis: An egocentric in Paris
As any publicity-addict knows, from Paris Hilton via the Kardashians to Yanis Varoufakis, self promotion is not so much creeping into the...
Erdoğan: S'owdy partner
On Monday King Salman of Saudi Arabia and Sultan-hopeful Erdoğan of Turkey met in Ankara to discuss common interests like the defeat of...
Erdoğan: You say Huey, I say Dewey but where’s Louie?
Turkish President and Sultan-in-waiting Tayyip Erdogan was in the US last week inaugurating a Muslim center in Maryland and attending a...
Kim Jong-un: Bang bang I gulped you down
North Korea's fictional leader has announced that his country has miniaturized a nuclear warhead and is not afraid to use it in any way...
Robert Mugabe: Party pooper
They say that as people get older they also get grumpier. Combine that with three decades of authoritarian rule, a country in economic...
Eternal sunshine of the thoughtless mind
Greek PM Tsipras is not Merkel's favorite leader (far from it!), but even she is not that heartless to impose such cruel & unusual...
You say Holy Spirit, I say holy moly, let's call the whole thing off
On Friday Pope Francis had a two-hour meeting with Russian Patriarch Kirill at Havana airport, a first since the two Churches went their...
Putin: And ye shall be witnesses unto me
Russian president Vladimir Putin welcomed one of his biggest fans, Hungarian PM Victor Orban, in Moscow to talk about the migrant crisis,...
A Hair-raising spat between Kim & The Donald
Donald Trump has apparently said that once in the White House he will make North Korean Kim Jong-un leader disappear. Or alternatively to...
Erdoğan & the refugee crisis: Who's the boss
In her latest visit to Turkey, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, tried to cajole President Tayyip Erdogan into stemming the refugee flow...